Feeling the Pinch: Have Your Say Report published
‘Feeling the Pinch! Have Your Say’ is an innovative participatory project designed to give ordinary people from across Lewes District the opportunity to share their stories and experiences of the cost of living crisis.
Over two months, 11 local residents, each with their own lived experience of financial struggle, met fortnightly for interactive workshops. Together they explored the challenges they faced and the ways they had found to survive. They then moved on to identify the systemic problems which underlay their personal experiences and develop recommendations about what needs to change.
This phase of our work concluded with an ‘Inequality Truth Hearing’ bringing our Expert Panel together with representatives from local councils, the voluntary and statutory sectors. The result was a fascinating and powerful discussion, with lots of lively, respectful interaction and generation of ideas for practical next steps.
This short report gives an insight into our process and findings.
Key messages
We’ve been blown away by the passion, resilience and dedication shown by our participants. Each was keen to tell their story, not only for themselves but for their families and communities.
Our participants wanted policy makers not only to hear their stories, but to respond by working with them to identify solutions. Their recommendations included:
• Improved access to information, advice and guidance to help people navigate the welfare and benefits system
• Interactions with services that are led with compassion and dignity
• Policy development should start with meaningful community consultation
• Let’s End Poverty! – by listening to people who know and taking action
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