Lewes District Food Summit: Meet the Speakers

We are delighted to introduce an incredible range of community projects, activists, researchers and local people making a difference to the face of food in Lewes District. Take a look below at the range of speakers and the fascinating workshops we’ll be hosting at tomorrow’s Food Summit.

Limited tickets still available here: Lewes District Food & Climate Summit Tickets, Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite 

Young people at the SCDA Youth Centre

Power of Partnership working panel

Join recipients of Lewes District Food Partnership small grants scheme to discuss their achievements and insights on the power of joined up working. We will be joined by several fantastic community projects:

Introduction to Food Ladders – Lewes District Food Partnership

Food Partnership coordinator Nancy Wilson dives into the topic of the newly launched Food Ladders model and how it’s principles could apply to Lewes District.

Cookery Session & Food Education Session – Table Talk

James Golding is the head of local charity Table Talk Foundation, helping educate children on food and cookery in schools. In this session James will lead a group of young people to create some delicious nibbles using some interesting and local ingredients.

Our Food, Our Future 

Cathy and Gemma will lead a consultation session for young people to give their opinions about what a good food movement means. Responses will be presented at parliament alongside Sustain’s ‘Children’s Food Campaign’.

Gemma and Cathy are working with local secondary schools to support them to become more sustainable. Gemma’s career began in catering where she worked as a pastry chef for many years. She has been actively involved in many environmental projects and is on the steering group for LDFP. She is the founder of Sharing Skills CIC which provides projects to support sustainable living. 

Nick & Ruth from Brite Box will be joining us on Weds 9th

Building Resilience & Inspiring Healthy Eating in Children & Young People – BRITE Box

BRITE Box is an innovative recipe meal-kit provided weekly via primary schools which enables families to prepare and cook a healthy meal together. The project aims to proactively address food insecurity, build resilience and encourage young people to develop a healthy relationship with food through a fun, hands-on activity. Join us in an interactive session to hear about how the project has developed, its impact, our learnings and to explore how the project could come to life in your community.   

Ruth Dawson has married her professional background in health promotion and social prescribing with a passion for food and education and has co led the BRITE Box project at Voices of Hope (VoH) Charity since 2020, focusing on the programme design and content and engaging with schools, volunteers and community partners to bring it all together for maximum impact.  

Having spent 25 years in the restaurant industry, Nick Dawson has co led the BRITE Box project at VoH since 2020, and now focuses on the operations, partner development and funding aspects to help extend the reach and impact of the programme into new communities.

Plant Based Cooking & Nutrition – SCDA Community Kitchen

Join Nancy and Cat for a cooking demo and plant-based nutrition discussion. This session will be loosely based on the classes they run in the SCDA kitchen, which allow people in the community the opportunity to find out more about plant-based cooking and try their hand with some recipes.  You’ll have the opportunity to try some food and find out more about the courses we run.

Cat is a very experienced cook who loves to experiment with ingredients. Nancy is a retired medical doctor with a degree in nutritional medicine. Both are enthusiastic plant-based cooks.

Launching a Toolkit for Dignified Food Support – Alliance for Dignified Food Support 

Join the Alliance for Dignified Food Support at the launch of their Dignity Toolkit, which has been designed to support community food organisations to audit their own practice, develop an action plan and reflect on the impact of any changes they make. This session is designed for anyone involved in community food provision – from food banks and community cafes to social supermarkets. We will be thinking about what dignity looks like in practice and how small changes can make a big difference.

Carl Walker, Jane Perry, Ronald Ranta and Stef Lake are the co-founders of the Alliance For Dignified Food Support, which grew out of a conversation at the Lewes District Food Summit in 2022. You can read more about their work at https://www.alliancefordignifiedfoodsupport.org.uk/ 

Urban Food Mapping at Human Nature

Dr Mikey Tomkins introduces his global work around access to land and urban food mapping, about how Urban Agriculture can often be retrofitted into places and spaces in cities and towns. 

Clarissa will build on the Urban Agriculture Mapping work that Dr Mikey Tomkins has done with Human Nature on the Phoenix Project embedding UA principles into the design and planning  process. 

Together, they will challenge people to think about and question access to land, land values and how urban food mapping and agriculture could create new food systems and communities in their area. 

Clarissa Bromelle is head of Social Imagination at Human Nature, developing the program of Social Imagination across The Phoenix Project for Human Nature in Lewes, East Sussex. Focusing on the sustainability, health, community wealth and the well-being of people and nature at the very heart of the project and beyond.

Mikey Tomkins is an independent researcher and artist. He holds a PhD from the University of Brighton, UK, where he researched the contribution of everyday community gardening to urban agriculture. Since 2004, he has extensively used mapping with UA research to answer questions on land availability and potential yields and the more qualitative exploration of the everyday experience of food gardening in cities.

Explore UK grains with Daniele at Fermento Bakery

Baking with UK Grains – Fermento Bakery 

Break bread with Daniele as he discusses what goes on at Fermento Bakery, a brief dive into the English bread making scenario, the importance of education in what we eat and where it comes from and lastly a look at the “Bake your lawn” scheme.

Daniele is from Italy where at the age of 20 he started work as a pizza chef, since then he has always been passionate and mostly curious about good food and its provenience. Flour is one of the ingredients that got his attraction the most, that’s why today he’s not only a baker, but a miller as well obsessed to know more about different variety of grains and their properties and baking qualities. 

For any questions about the event, please contact us on info@lewesdistrictfoodpartnership.org. 

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