Are you passionate about making sure local residents have access to the support they need?
Do you want to be part of a movement to include the voices of ordinary residents in local decision-making?
We are looking for people to share their experience of the cost-of-living crisis and drive change in Lewes District..
Last year, 11 residents of Lewes District came together to share their experiences of the cost-of-living crisis with local decision makers. Find out more about the project here.
“I feel more connected, more hopeful, in touch with other people and the community.” – Feeling the Pinch participant
This autumn, we want even more people to get involved and use their voices to build a fairer, more compassionate system of support for local people facing financial struggles. The programme will equip participants with the skills and confidence to work alongside local decision makers and community groups to make positive changes to local support systems.
Interested in getting involved as a participant?
What does it involve?
Participating in regular local workshops from September 2024 to build the skills, confidence and relationships to drive local change
Choice of four easy-to-access locations across Lewes District
Further opportunities to share your expertise with local and national platforms
All sessions will be fully catered and a £20 stipend per workshop/forum will be available to remunerate participants
Get in touch at info@lewesdistrictfoodpartnership.org for more information
Interest in getting involved as a community partner?
What we’re asking from you?
Raise awareness of the project with the people you work with, and, if appropriate, invite representatives from the collaboration to informally discuss the project with your groups and answer any questions
Participation in district-wide workshops with an openness to make changes based on participant recommendations
What we’re offering:
Opportunities to connect with other like-minded organisations and be part of a wider movement for change
Opportunities to amplify the voices of people you work with to create positive change
A stipend to cover any extra time and resources for your organisation’s involvements
A resource pack including posters, leaflets, templates for emails and whatsapp and an FAQ to help you feel confident about talking about the project
Get in touch with Nancy at info@lewesdistrictfoodpartnership.org for more information