In November ’22 Friends of Bishopstone Station (FOBs) brought this Art Deco listed station building into use as a community hub.
Every Monday FOBs run a drop-in facility, ‘Meet up Mondays’, addressing social isolation and building community resilience. They host a variety of speakers, such as Care for the Carers, SCDA (Online/ telephone fraud and LDC food projects), One You East Sussex, and Greenhavens.
They recently received funding from LDFP via a small grant to develop their Community Food Project.
“The Community Food Project will help tackle food poverty, connecting our community to better food. It will promote food equality, offering opportunities for food education. It will also help our community access healthy, locally sourced food.
We will do this by helping people grow their own produce, through organizing a bi-annual plant and seed exchange, running four talks a year on growing your own fruit and vegetables and creating a herb garden at the station, tended to by local residents, growing a supply of fresh herbs for our service users. We will also run six talks/ demonstrations a year on cooking healthy meals on a budget.” – Friends of Bishopstone Station